807 Havens Corners Road
Gahanna, OH 43230
(614) 471-0212
Contact Us
Boys, grades 4-8
Girls, grades 4-8
Student must be enrolled in one of the following:
– St. Matthew School
– St. Matthew PSR classes
– School of the Resurrection PSR classes
– Other Columbus Diocese programs are eligible under certain circumstances
** Students may participate in St. Matthew Football, Volleyball, Cross Country or Golf at the same time **
Payment MethodCredit card via Paypal. (You can log into a Paypal account, or pay without logging in.)
RegistrationRegistration is May 1 - June 30
Key DatesSeason Length | Mid-July through Mid-Sept |
Tryouts | no tryouts |
Games Begin | August 1 |
Tournament Finals | Mid-September |
All students participate with their grade on all-boys or all-girls teams. Depending on the number of athletes registered, grades may be combined within the school or with other parish schools in order to field a team.
PracticesPractices are scheduled 2 or 3 times per week. Since all our coaches are volunteers, we try to accommodate the coaches’ work schedules as best we can. Duration is usually 90 minutes. Practices are held at St. Matthew Field behind the Gahanna Swim Club.
Uniforms and EquipmentUniforms will be provided by St. Matthew. Shin guards and individual practice balls are not provided but required.
GamesGames can be held on any day of the week
LocationGames will be played at a school within the diocese.
Tournaments5th-8th grade participates in the end of the year tournament usually the second weekend of September.