St. Matthew has a specific ministry made up of people who are committed to praying and interceding for the needs of others. Our “Prayer Warriors” receive a monthly email or receive a mailed list of individuals requesting our daily devotional prayers.
If you would like to join this worthwhile ministry, or if you are in need of prayer support for any situation or need, contact our Compassionate Prayer Ministry to be added to the prayer list.
In your message, please:
tell us the first name of the person for whom you would like us to pray (last name is optional)
describe your specific request. Please also use the subject line "Prayer Request."
Prayer requests will remain on our list for 3 months, unless you contact us with an update and a request to stay on the list for a longer time. All requests are confidential.
Please send an email (along with your name and email address) to [email protected] or fill out the form on the right.