807 Havens Corners Road
Gahanna, OH 43230
(614) 471-0212
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Father Theodore Sill, Jeff Bernard (Parish Captain), Steve Davis, Perry Basten, Corey Black, Ted Deibel, Dominic Dinovo, Dylan Drugan, John Eckstein II, Ezra Escudero, Steve Friend, Ryan Floyd, Brian Gatch, Jim Gernetzke, Frank Hartge, George Harvey, Mark Hoffman, John Howard, Jason Izolt, Paul Koors, Mike Laurent, Max Maksimoski, Tom Mignery, Shawn Miller, Alan Ratliff, Mike Springer, and Joe Thomas.
The vision for the St. Matthew Parish Catholic Men’s Conference team is to coordinate intake for the Columbus Catholic Men's Conference. We partner with the Knights of Columbus and St. Matthew Men's Prayer Groups to assist men finding connections within the parish and greater Catholic community. We are deeply committed to our men's spiritual advancement through Marian Devotion, Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary, and Sacred Heart Home Enthronement. We encourage daily prayer for all of our parish's men, for the good of their salvation and that of their families.