807 Havens Corners Road
Gahanna, OH 43230
(614) 471-0212
Contact Us
The Catholic Church esteems marriage as sacred – one of the seven Sacraments of the continual presence of Christ among us. Saint Paul says the union of husband and wife is a sign of the union of Christ and the Church. When the couple professes their vows, they vow to love each other “as Christ loved the Church” (Ephesians 5:25) – freely, totally, faithfully, and fruitfully.
Marriage holds a unique position as the one sacrament in which it is not the priest who administers the Sacrament. Rather, the couple mutually administers the Sacrament while the priest witnesses on behalf of the Church, calling God’s blessing upon their marriage.
In witnessing your marriage, our parish community desires to uphold and support you faithfully for the rest of your lives as you grow together in God who is Love. We undertake this work with you as you begin preparing to live the Sacrament of Marriage, and we believe our marriage preparation program reflects our commitment to help you to live your vocation to the married life.
The information below explains the marriage formation process and the wedding planning process. Please note that we do not rent space for showers or receptions.